Chris Poon
Professional Yoga Teacher
Yoga Alliance Accredited
Chris‘s first encounter with yoga was in 2002 during his years of university studies majored in engineering. His initial intuition was based on the elegance of the yoga poses that he saw from the yoga journal magazines, he started to self-practice accordingly. While the study was stressful and demanding, he started to experience some of the stress relieving aspects of yoga poses. Since then, the passion for practicing yoga was planted in Chris's mind.
Journey of Chris’s Yoga Education & Trainings
Chris‘s journey of searching and practicing yoga in a more serious way started after his university and returned back to Hong Kong in 2004, as he enrolled in basic yoga teacher certification training from Australia Fitness for Trainer and Professionals.
Finding a need to further deepen himself after the first training, Chris continued his study of both basic and intermediate hatha yoga teacher training with Dickson Lau, founder of Hong Kong Yoga Association. During his time with Dickson, Chris studied and learnt his philosophy and approach of yoga practice and teaching which were based on applying traditional Taekwondo and martial art methods of developing muscle elasticity and joint flexibility blended with traditional hatha yoga techniques to practice a variety of yoga poses.
However, after a year with Dickson, Chris found that upon the flexibility and elasticity of the physical body to practice yoga, certain internal aspects like strength and stability; awareness on prana flow, ujjayi breath as well as the practice of buddhas (energetic locks) concepts were missing in the training. The missing aspects were found during his learnings and practicing of Ashtanga Yoga vinyasa in 2005, which marked the beginning of his Ashtanga Yoga journey.
Chris devoted his Ashtanga practice with several Ashtanga teachers and his passion and interest in this practice continue to grow and escalate. By the end of 2005, Chris participated in a 200-hr Yoga Alliance Teacher Training program in Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa in Centered Yoga Institute, Koh Samui, Thailand. Since then, Chris continued to maintain his Ashtanga practice from 2005 till the present day.
In addition to Ashtanga, Chris also found the practice of Pilates essential. In 2009, he studied a Mat Level-1 Teacher Certification with Stotts Pilates. Chris‘s yoga philosophy of yoga was influenced by both joint and core alignment stabilization from Pilates which enhanced his practicing awareness on injuries and better alignment of practice.
During his time of Pilates studies, Chris studied the subject of musculoskeletal system and biomechanics of the human body, and how to apply these knowledge to postural alignment issues that induced back pain, neck and shoulder discomfort and other structural issues of the body. Chris‘s interest and pursue in anatomy and physiology of the human body came into his journey of learning apart from just the musculoskeletal system of the body, so he pursued the studies the complete spectrum of human anatomy and systems as well as pathology of the body from massage therapy.
In January 2020, Chris studied Ashtanga Yoga with Sharathj Jois for 1 month in Mysore, Karnakata, India where he experienced the traditional Ashtanga Yoga practicing lifestyle and community life. It was his wonderful opportunity to study yoga philosophy and Sanskrit with Sanskrit scholars alongside his Ashtanga practice with Sharath.
Career Path
2004-05 Dickson Yoga
2005-09 Living Yoga
2009-21 Pure Yoga
2021-Present Holistic Private Yoga
Chris started teaching Yoga at Dickson Yoga after completing intermediate hatha yoga teacher training in 2005. By the time of 2009, Chris started to commit his yoga teaching profession to one of the biggest yoga corporations, Pure Yoga.
Starting from the beginning of 2021, Chris resigned from Pure Yoga and continue his yoga teaching profession to the next level where he needs to continue to manifest his dedication and devotion in his yoga practice and studies as well as his consistency in his yoga teaching professionalism. It will be a wonderful new journey of his venture and to see where this will lead him to dedicate to teaching varieties of yoga group classes; private 1-1 classes; yoga workshops.
Since 2021, Chris has been in the Yoga industry for almost 20 years. He believes in small group yoga training can effectively fulfill the needs of a varieties of individuals in the community. He founded 「Holistic Private Yoga」 to fulfill his new venture of yoga teachings. According to Chris’s philosophy & styles of Yoga teachings, he had tailored made few of the special classes such as 「Hatha Core」,「Mix Vinyasa & Stretch」,「Core & Inversion」 along with traditional classes like Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa, Hatha Yoga and Yin Yang. These special classes are developed according to Chris’s broad spectrum of yoga practicing and training backgrounds in Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa, mat Pilates, elastic stretch techniques, studies of anatomy & philosophy, postural alignment and biomechanics.
Chris Poon在大學時期開始自修瑜伽,希望通過瑜伽幫助更多的人。於2004年從加拿大回香港後,在瑜伽協會於Dickson Lau修續初級及中級瑜伽導師課程,在Dickson Yoga開始了瑜伽導師生涯。2005-06年取得Center Yoga Institute的Yoga Alliance 200hr國際瑜伽導師課程(主修Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa),2005-09年在Living Yoga Centre擔任全職瑜伽導師。其後繼續進讀Stotts Pilates Mat Level 1導師課程後,Chris發現把傳統Hatha Yoga結合Pilates能帶來不一樣的瑜伽體驗,因此設計了Hatha Core 哈達核心瑜伽教學,並應用於其後的教學中。
從2009-2020十年間,Chris一直在Pure Yoga擔任全職瑜珈導師,舉辦工作坊、私人小組和單對單私人教授。為了深入瑜伽體系,Chris不斷進修並取得E-RYT 200、RYT 500和CET瑜伽教學導師認證。
2021年1月Chris開辦Holistic Private進行瑜伽練習教學,包括私人授課以及以4-6人為主的小班授課。有別於大型瑜伽機構,他能照顧到每一位學員,做出相應調整,讓學員享受正確練習瑜伽的得益,並真正感受瑜伽為身體帶來的每一個小變化。
自2021年,Chris不知不覺已經重事瑜伽導師20年。他很相信一些少組的瑜伽課堂能夠有效地幫助社會上有須要的人士。他於當時就成立了「Holistic Private Yoga」。Chris以他的瑜伽教學理念同他本身擴範的瑜伽修練背景,除了傳統的瑜伽課堂如「Ashtanga Yoga」,「Hatha Yoga」 及「Yin Yang」之外,他也設計了一系列的課堂如:「Hatha Core」,「Mix Vin & Stretch」,「Core & Inversion」等等。
Qualification & Certification
E-RYT 200, RYT 500, CET Training Provider
2004-05 Dickson Yoga-Basic & Intermediate Hatha Yoga Teacher Training
2004-05 Australia Fitness for Trainer and Professionals
2005 Center Yoga Institute Yoga Alliance 200hr (Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa)
2009 Stotts Pilates Mat
2012 Restorative Yoga Certification
2011-14 ITEC, Online Anatomy & Physiology Certification
2017-20 Oxford University Hindu Studio Department-Yoga Philosophy
2021 Indra Yoga Institute-Yoga Alliance 300hr, Trauma Healing Hatha & Ayuveda
E-RYT 200, RYT 500, CET 瑜伽教學導師
2004-05 初級同中級瑜伽導師文憑
2004-05 澳洲體適能初級瑜伽導師文憑
2005 國際200小時瑜伽導師文憑
2009 普拉提 Mat 導師文憑
2012 放鬆治療性瑜伽証書
2011-14 按摩療法証書,人體機能學証書
2017-20 瑜伽哲學文憑
2021 國際300小時高級瑜伽導師文憑,身心治療性哈達瑜伽兼古法印度醫學