Class Descriptions & Approaches
Styles of teaching involves a wide varieties of disciplines approaching the practice of Hatha yoga.
Dynamic Approach
Mix Approach
(Dynamic & Static)
Static Approach
⁃ Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa
⁃ Vinyasa Flow
⁃ Gentle Flow
⁃ Hatha Core / Pilates
⁃ Hatha Yoga
⁃ Yin Yang
⁃ Mix Vinyasa & Stretch
⁃ Core & Inversion
⁃ Wall Rope Yoga
⁃ Yoga Therapy
Yoga Therapy (90-min)
Focus on treatments on city ailments such as headaches, neck and shoulder stiffness, back pain, knee and leg tightness e.t.c. Class may use wide varieties of yoga equipments like, chair, blocks, straps and blankets as secondary aid of practicing.
瑜伽治療 (90-min)
仲對都市病例如頭痛,頸肩膊痛同僵硬。課堂內會運用瑜伽椅子,瑜伽磚,瑜伽繩同 毯子。會透過不同的瑜伽治療動作配合瑜伽工具去有助學生舒緩減壓。
Yin Yang (60-min)
Combination of practice of Yin method for muscle elasticity and joint ligament elongation together with the Yang focus on muscular endurance and circulation for optimal benefit of well being.
陰陽瑜伽 (60-min)
Gentle Flow (60-min)
Creative and easy to follow slow pace of flow practice for flexibility, circulation and coordination.
溫和連串動流 (60-min)
Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa (90-min)
Follow the traditional Ashtanga Yoga vinyasa sequence on Primary Series taught by Guru Sri.K.Pattabhi Jois. Practice of this form of sequence requires consistency and discipline for the overall benefits of physical and mental therapy.
阿什坦加瑜伽 (90-min)
這種形式的瑜伽是由帕塔比·喬斯(Sri.K.Pattabhi Jois)開發的,它強調維尼亞薩技術,以運動同步的ujjayi呼吸與運動按照特定的設定序列,初級系列序列作為基本的基本序列,專注於治療,治療或固化的身體,這被稱為"瑜伽奇基察"(Yoga Chikitsa)。奇基察意思是「治療」。
Mix Vinyasa & Stretch (90-min)
Class consists of sequences of basic flow yoga practice for better blood circulation combine with stretch and joint opening poses using yoga equipments like blocks, towel and straps.
混合性串連動作及瑜伽伸展 (90-min)
本課堂開始會透過一連串的瑜伽動作配合呼吸的連接去助長身體的血液循環同關節柔軟度。之後再透過一系列的瑜伽伸展動作去加強伸展度而令身體更加放鬆。 上堂時會用一些瑜伽磚,瑜伽繩去幫助學生。
Core & Inversion (60-min)
Integrated strengthening on core & stability; preparatory practice such as arms and shoulders strengthening for basic inversion poses like headstand and other variations.
改腹及倒立式子 (60-min)
Hatha Core (60-min)
Combination of traditional Hatha Yoga practice for stretching and opening with contemporary Pilates Mat Core exercises for abdominal strength and stabilities.
哈噠腹部 (60-min)
Hatha-1 (60-min)
Basic seated centering with emphasis on breathing , stretching and warm up movements, basic standing yoga poses, balancing poses and seated floor yoga poses as well as basic backbend poses for beginners and experience students.
哈噠瑜伽-1 (60-min)
Vinyasa-1 (60-min)
Modified form of flow practice which emphasises on simple breath and yoga movements for flexibility, coordination and stamina.
串連動作流-1 (60-min)
Wall Rope Yoga (90-min)
Wall Rope Yoga follows the traditional concept of Iyengar method working on the alignments of both body and yoga poses practicing together with the wall and rope settings, yoga equipments like yoga blocks, chairs, and blankets.
The body is safely supported by the traction of the ropes, stretching and elongating the tight muscles, rejuvenates and traction the spinal column for overall health and suppleness of the well being.
瑜伽繩子 (90-min)
本課堂的瑜伽式子鍛練方法主要是配合瑜伽牆同繩子的設計。這個鍛練模式是由B.K.S Iyengar開發的,它強調糾正瑜伽姿勢內身體的對齊:通過應用瑜伽椅、瑜伽塊、支撐物以及牆壁和繩索等道具,可以增強身體定位和關節對齊的精度。