More About Yoga Sutra of Patanjali
帕坦伽利「瑜珈經」Yoga Sutra
Patanjali‘s Yoga Sutra was composed by sage Patanjali in 200AD. His work was a comprehensive integration of philosophical teachings derived from the Upanishads in relation to Atman, the teachings on non-attachments from selfish gain through works from Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali composed his own version of understanding through the discussion of mental fluctuations as vritti in Sanskrit. The essentials of mental stabilisation which will lead to concentration, then from concentration to samadhi.
The Yoga Sutra is another Indian philosophy in ancient India, commonly known as Yoga. 4 chapters are :
Chapter 1: Samadhi Pada
Chapter 2: The Spiritual Products (Sadhana Pada).
Chapter 3: Vibhuti Pada
Chapter 4: The Product of Liberation (Kaivalya Pada).
The Philosophical Teachings of the Yoga Sutra:
Patanjali's Yoga Sutra is a comprehensive work of ancient Indian yoga that summarizes the teachings of the post-Veda Upanishads, including the 「reality」 and 「true self」 discussed, 「liberation」 from the confusion of the mind and sorrow. Summarizing the 「non attachment」 mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita, the 「enunciation」 of self-reward and self-grasping attachment to the work done in the world (renunciation). Among them, the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads talk about 「self-realisation」, which is a process of finding the 「True Spiritual Nature」 through the process of mind tranquilization and distraction. And to attain the state of 「self-enlightenment」, one must do tapas and study the philosophical sayings (svadhyaya).
「瑜伽經」,共有4章196, 是古印度另一門所印度哲學,通常稱「Yoga」。其中4章分別是:
第一章 三摩地品(Samadhi Pada)
第二章 修行品(Sadhana Pada)
第三章 神通品(Vibhuti Pada)
第四章 解脫品(Kaivalya Pada)
帕坦伽利的「瑜伽經」是一本綜合性的古印度瑜伽作品,定總結後吠咜期的奧義書的教義包括所討論的「現實」同「真我」,「解脫」心靈內被困惑的痛苦同憂傷。總結了博伽梵歌所提及的「無執著」(non attachment),「放棄」對世事所作工的自我回報同收益的私心同執箸。(renunciation )。其中博伽梵歌同奧義書所談論的「自我實現」,「自我實現」(Self realisation)是一個透過思想靜化同隔除雜念的過程而尋找到「自我」(True Spiritual Nature )。以及要達到「自我啟發」的境況,所須作的刻苦修行(tapas),修讀哲學聖言(svadhyaya)。