Explore Chris’s Principles & Philosophy of Yoga Teaching
Philosophy of Teaching:
Chris's philosophy of teaching are based on two aspects.
Physical Aspect
Chris emphasizes students when practicing yoga poses, students should gain awareness on the blood circulation which will enhance the energetic flow (prana) inside the body as well as paying attention to the harmonic rhythm between the breath and the physical postures during the practice.
Secondly, Chris emphasizes students should develop stability and endurance of staying in the yoga poses so as to develop patience and stamina as well as focus.
Thirdly, Chris emphasizes students should cultivate proper physical alignment and joint precisions when practicing the yoga poses;
Lastly, Chris emphasizes students should gain awareness on the breath quality during the practice of the yoga poses .
Chris 的瑜伽教學同理念
Chris 的教學理念分為兩方面:
1. 身體鍛練方面
Chris 教授瑜伽式子時,他強調(一)學生做式子時,須要注意呼吸同動作的和諧節奏,因為這節奏能促進身體血液循環而改善能量流動,能量流動能減少疾病。
2. Mental Aspect
Chris emphasizes students when practicing yoga postures, they should put effort, but at the same time, they should ease off and let go of one’s ego. This notion of thought comes from the teachings of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali:
1st Notion - Practice comes along with Non-attachment
Yoga Sutra 1:12 (abhyasa vairagyabhyam tat nirodhah)
Chris also emphasizes students when practicing yoga postures, they cultivate the practice on a long-term basis; they should do the practice continuously without quitting and also develop a sense of sincerity and honesty during practice. This notion of thought comes from the teachings of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali:
2nd Notion- Qualitative Practice involves long term commitment, continuous passion and rightful attitudes until they are firmly rooted
Yoga Sutra 1:14 (sah tu dirgha kala nairantaira satkara asevitah dridha bhumih)
Chris 教授瑜伽式子時,他強調學生鍛練式子時應抱着正面的付出,但同一時間要懂得降服而不執著。降服而不執著因用力量付出時帶着的過份自我。這過份自我誤意為心靈真我的無知。
Chris 教授瑜伽式子時,他強調學生鍛練式子時應抱着(一)長久鍛練同付出的精神,(二)鍛練同付出的過程,不應中途停止同放棄,(三)真誠的心態。
Explore Chris’s Styles of Yoga Teaching & Physical Conditioning
Styles of Yoga Teaching
Since Chris has wide varieties of yoga practicing background, his styles of teaching involve a great diversity of disciplines towards the practice of hatha yoga. Chris’s fundamental practice of approach towards hatha yoga is Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa, so his classes are dynamic in nature which involves the elements of breath and movement continuity. Chris also conducts teaching Vinyasa Flow and Gentle Flow Classes.
Along with Ashtanga, Chris’s training in mat Pilates and biomechanics, lead him towards the teachings of dynamic Pilates core classes. He emphasizes the conditioning and stability of the abdominal region, he thus also conducts teaching Hatha Core classes which combines traditional Hatha Yoga and Pilates methods of training. He also teaches Core & Inversion classes which applies core strengthening and stability techniques to guide students towards the practice of traditional hatha yoga inversion poses.
Chris also had trainings and practices towards hatha yoga involving elastic stretch and joint opening techniques which lead him towards the teachings of classes such as Mix Vinyasa & Stretch and Yin Yang.
Chris also had explicit Iyengar’s style wall rope yoga training which involves the practice towards hatha yoga using props such as yoga blocks, yoga straps, chair and a wall which emphasis on physical alignment and precision of the yoga poses. He conducts Wall Rope Yoga classes to fulfil the goal of such classes.
Chris had studies in the field of human anatomy and physiology, he also conducts teachings in Yoga Therapy to help students improve physical discomfort.
Overall, Chris’s approaches towards the teachings and practices towards hatha yoga are all rounded and his classes can be categorized as dynamic classes, mix dynamic & static as well as static classes.
Here are the following spectrum of his styles of teachings:
Dynamic approach:
Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa
Vinyasa Flow
Gentle Flow
Hatha Core / Pilates
Mix approach ( Dynamic & Static)
Hatha Yoga
Yin Yang
Mix Vinyasa & Stretch
Core & Inversion
Static approach
Wall Rope Yoga
Yoga Therapy
Chris有瀇範同多完化的瑜伽修練背景。他早期的哈噠瑜伽修練基礎為Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa。他教授的Hatha Yoga的特質比較上帶有呼吸同做動作時的連繫性,強調這配合能促進血液循環;肌肉持久性。他因而也教授Vinyasa Flow及Gentle Flow。
Chris也有Pilates Core Training 的基礎,他強調鍛練腹部核心肌的穩定性。他教授的Hatha Core混合了傳統Hatha Yoga同Pilates的理念。此外,他也教授Core & Inversion,這堂強調運用腹部核心同四肢力量去練習傳統Hatha Yoga的Inversion動作。
Chris也有IYENGAR Style Wall Rope Yoga Training的基礎,他強調運用yoga props,瑜伽工具如磚,繩子,椅子同瑜伽牆去幫助學生學習一些瑜伽式子時能達到正確的身體同關節的位置同角度。他所教授的Wall Rope Yoga此能達到這目標。
Chris也有Anatomy & Physiology,人體學同機能學的training, 他教授的Yoga Therapy強調改善身體姿勢同關節,肌腱的不適。
Chris 也有Elastic Stretching的修練基礎,他強調運用蠅子同磚去讓學生能透過一些伸展運作去改善身體柔軟度同關節活動幅度。他教授的Mix Vinyasa & Stretch同Yin Yang此能達到這目標。
Chris 所教授的瑜伽課堂大約分別為:
(一)Dynamic Style(動態性)如:Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa, Vinyasa Flow & Gentle Flow,
(二)Mix Style(動態性)如:Hatha Yoga, Yin Yang, Mix Vinyasa & Stretch, Core & Inversion 。
(三)Static Style (靜態性)如:Wall Rope Yoga, Yoga Therapy。